Beraishis 14I – Avraham Teaches the King of Sodom and Malki Tzedek about God

When describing God, Avraham added one more name that Malki Tzedek did not say.

Malki Tzedek had just declared that God is the Most High, Owner of heaven and earth. He understood that God intervenes sometimes also in human endeavors and enterprises.

Avraham now declares that he lifts up his hand (away from all other gods) to Hashem (the four letter name י-ה-ו-ה) the Most High, Owner of heaven and earth.

This is a higher level of belief in God. God’s relationship with man is far more than His relationship with the cosmos. God is far more than the God of Nature. He is the God of Human History. He is the God of the future. He interacts with man and guides man. All of creation, including man, stands in His service, consciously or unconsciously.

(Avraham was once again calling out in the name of Hashem, consistent with his mission. -GS)


Beraishis 14:22
page 344-345

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