Beraishis 14D – Lot was captured with Sodom because he was a fully integrated citizen of Sodom

Had Lot remained an outsider, a stranger in the land, he might not have been taken along with the people of Sodom. But he had become a citizen and full resident there and so he had to suffer along with the others.

This stands as a warning to the members of Avraham’s family. One who remains true to his calling and destiny will have to make sacrifices. On the other hand, he will be spared much trouble, for he will be carried on the wings of the Shechina.

The ghettos that isolated us worked not only to our disadvantage, but also to our advantage. Those who lived within the ghetto walls were shielded from many evils to which those outside fell victim during the Middle Ages. Jews were not considered good enough to become judges or law enforcement officials, or to become knights. They weren’t included in tournaments or world affairs. But neither did they have a part in inflicting cruel injury to their fellow man that was so prevalent at that time. And when fate caught up with the emperors and their armies, the Jews remained safe in their ghettos.

RSRH adds: They should be happy that they were called to the arena of world affairs only now (in the 19th century – GS) when the nations of the world are at least trying to act justly and humanely. (RSRH passed away in 1888. He had high hopes for humanity at that time. Would he have written these same words post holocaust? The remnants of his community debate this point to this day. – GS)


Beraishis 14:12
pages 331-332

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