Beraishis 8F The meaning of ריח ניחוח

The offerings are a fragrance, ie. a slight and allusory expression (ריח) of compliance with God’s Will (ניחוח). They signify that our will is to do God’s Will. The offerings aren’t themselves ניחוח a show of full compliance. They are only a ריח ניחוח. They allude to our compliance; our desire to comply.

ריח – The sense of smell stands between the other 4 senses. We see and hear from a distance of that which we see and hear. We come into direct contact with that which we touch and taste. When we smell, the item itself remains at a distance but fine particles of that item come into contact with our organs of smell. (The word for “mill’ where grain is ground into fine particles is ריחיים.)

ניחוח – Coming to rest. Granting the wish or fulfilling the aspiration of another.

ריח ניחוח does not mean a pleasing smell.

Beraishis 8:21


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