Beraishis 8C Noach builds an altar and offers Olah offerings מזבח קרבן עולה

This is the first time that a מזבח is mentioned in the Torah. It is also the first time עולות are mentioned. We see that there is great significance to these offerings. In the verses that follow these offerings, God’s responds with His commitment to never bring another Mabul. The whole subsequent development of the earth and mankind are in response to the offerings that Noach brought.

A מזבח is a man-made structure through which the earth symbolically ascends to Heaven. In Yechezkel (43:15) the מזבח is called הראל – God’s mountain. It is very likely that the מזבח in the בית המקדש corresponds to הר סיני. At the giving of the Ten Commandments the Torah describes the scene as אש אוכלת בראש ההר – fire burning at the top of the mountain. This is expressed in Tehillim (68:18) השם בם סיני בקדש which is to be understood as follows: “God descended from Heaven into the narrow sphere of man: God within His people, and Har Sinai in the Mikdash.” This is probably the meaning of the words regarding the daily תמיד offering where the Torah says it is to be עולת תמיד העשויה בהר סיני which would red as follows: “A daily Olah offering, (a replication of) what occurred on Har Sinai”.

When the Jewish people were given the Torah, they were taught they may only bring offerings on a מזבח, whereas a Noahide may bring offerings on a מצבה. A מזבח is built from several stones and must be connected to the ground. There is an halachic requirement to build it. Contrast the מזבח to a מצבה which is made of a single stone and remains in its natural state. Bringing an offering on a מצבה is bringing an offering on something which is a gift of nature. Bringing an offering on a מזבח, symbolizes man elevating himself above nature, elevating himself through his creativity and free will, ascending from there to God (and elevating nature through this- GS)

This is the significance of Noach’s offering. Noach was consecrating the whole earth, preparing to make use of it through man’s free will, transforming the whole earth as a sanctuary. The deeds of man will join stone to stone, until eventually the whole earth will become God’s consecrated mountain.

Other nations who seek to draw near to God chose to leave the human realm thinking God can only be found in nature. Of course this  is true as well but the main place of God’s Presence is in the sphere of human life. In nature God’s power is revealed. In the realm of human life, God’s love is revealed.

(See Hirsch’s commentary to Tehillim 145 -When they praise God, they speak of His power. But I speak of your wonders. דור לדור ישבח מעשיך וגבורתיך יגידו הדר כבוד הודך ודברי נפלאותיך אשיחה etc. GS)

More on ideas behind offerings in the next 2 posts.

Beraishis 8:20
pages 207-208





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