Beraishis 4M Enosh אנוש – God’s Providence no longer clear to man

אדם signifies the pure state of man. אנוש, related to אנס and ענש, signifies man in decline. (see here for etymology of Adam) (see page 147 for the etymology of Enosh)

Adam is a representative of God in the world. Enosh misuses his position and through violence and coercion he seizes power for himself.

It was then, starting with the generation of Enosh, that man first began to call in the name of God.

Hirsch quotes his teacher Chacham Bernays, with the following explanation of this verse:

The need to call out in the name of God shows a significant decline in man’s relationship with God.
Man began to forget the name of Hashem (the four letter name of Hashem as opposed to the name Elokim). They still recognized the existence of God as understood by the name Elokim. The name Elokim represents the Creator of the world who set all the laws of nature in place. (See Names of God in Concepts.) But the four letter name of Hashem represents a God who is involved in the lives of every individual and nation. It teaches that man is given the world to master it in accordance with God’s will and to uplift everything for a higher purpose. Society is to be subordinate to God’s will, not as a means of subjugating others. With God recognized as Master, men are freed from tyranny.

This explains why we pronounce this name of God by the word “אדנ-י” which means “my Master”.

Man, understanding his relationship with God as his Master, is Adam. This name of God gives man a feeling of dignity. Man comes to understand his smallness and at the same time he understands his role in the universe; that he is the crown of creation, the “footstool for the Divine presence”.

Returning to this relationship became the story of history for all of mankind.

Avraham Avinu, who called out in the name of Hashem was told that his descendants would be charged with teaching this relationship to God, once again. This became Israel’s mission.

Beraishis 4:26
pages 146-150



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