Beraishis 3E God’s Distancing Himself as a Result of Human Sin

As a a result of Man’s sin God was מתהלך בגן – God withdrew to a limited sphere. Our sages understood this s to mean that God  was withdrawing to some degree from Man, סילוק שכינה, choosing to stay within the proximity of holiness. Man’s had chosen to not be holy.

Later in the Torah we find that when our camps are holy, God is to be found there. When we have made our מחניך קודש, then we find כי ה’ אלקיך מתהלך בקרב מחנך.

The lesson is clear. God can be heard in our camps, in our day to day lives on earth – not via some emotional, spiritual high or by some kabbalistic elevation to another state of being. God will be close to us in the midst of our regular, earthly lives when we live our lives in holiness, according to His will.

God withdrew from them in the garden, the garden being a place on earth. When Adam and Eve were living their lives according to God’s will, He could be sensed on earth.

Beraishis 3:8, Pages 78-79

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